Program, Software, Property /  Ideal Gas, Real Gas, Water, Steam, Moisture air

Gas-turbine power plant, Steam-turbine power plant, Combined power plant, Cogeneration, CHP, Air Conditioning, Heat exchanger

T-s diagram, Temperature-entropy diagram, h-s diagram, Enthalpy-entropy diagram, Psychrometric diagram

T-s chart, Temperature-entropy chart, h-s chart, Enthalpy-entropy chart, Psychrometric chart

Exergy Chart / Exergy Diagram








  1. Temperature

  2. Pressure

  3. Quality

  4. Specific Volume

  5. Specific Internal Energy

  6. Specific Enthalpy

  7. Specific Entropy

  8. Specific Exergy

  9. Exergy Ratio

10. Density

11. Isobaric Specific Heat

12. Isochoric Specific Heat

13. Ratio of Specific Heat

14. Coefficient of Viscosity

15. Kinematic Coefficient of Viscosity

16. Thermal Conductivity

17. Prandtl Number

18. Ion Product

19. Static Dieletric Constants

20. Isentropic Exponent

21. Velocity of Sound

22. Joule-Thomson Coefficient

23. Pressure Coefficient

24. Volumetric Coefficient of Expansion

25. Isentropic Compressibility

26. Isothermal Compressibility

27. Mass Flow Rate

28. Volume Flow Rate

29. Internal Energy Flow Rate

30. Enthalpy Flow Rate

31. Entropy Flow Rate

32. Exergy Flow Rate

33. Heat Flow Rate

34. Power Output

35. Power Efficienty

36. Reversible Work

37. Lost Work